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Dallas/Fort Worth Admissions Regional Network (DARN) is a community of regionally based admissions professionals living in Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) representing non-profit academic institutions. 

DARN Aligns with Anti-Racism and Supports the Black Lives Matter Movement

As an organization, we have witnessed the history of racial injustice that the black community has endured in a country that avoids ending systemic racism. This toxic approach ignores the harsh reality of black people all over the world and the oppression and injustices that they face. DARN stands with those who have been silenced and supports all of our members of color and, unequivocally, supports black lives.

Our Mission


DARN supports its individual members both professionally and personally through the promotion of professional development, higher education, and community relations.


Professional Development – Collaborate for conference proposals and presentations, provide leadership opportunities and event planning experience, and encourage participation in professional organizations related to our work. 
Higher Education – Educate and prepare high school students in learning about higher education and finding the “Right Fit” institution for life after high school or community college. 
Community Relations – Build relationships with high school counselors, students and families, and community based organizations in DFW through attending events already scheduled and working to implement new programs expanding the visibility of our individual institutions. Host a counselor advisory board to gain insight and ideas.

DARN serves the community in several ways:

· Attending non-TACRAO programs and events in the area

· Arranging group presentations or lunch visits at high schools
*Request a visit to your school Here!

· Participating in outreach programs



-Abilene Christian University
-Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
-Albion College
-Alfred University
-American University
-Angelo State University
-Arizona State University
-Ashland University
-Auburn University
-Baylor University
-Butler University
-Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
-Centenary College of Louisiana
-Columbia College Chicago
-Connecticut College
-DePaul University
-Dordt University
-Drake University
-George Mason University
-Grand Canyon University
-Grinnell College
-Hampden-Sydney College
-Hawaii Pacific University
-Hendrix College
-Highpoint University
-Hillsdale College
-Kansas State University
-Knox College
-Lamar University
-Lipscomb University
-Louisiana Tech University
-Lyon College
-Marist College
-Michigan State University
Mississippi College
-Mississippi State University
-Northeastern University
-Oklahoma Baptist University
-Oklahoma City University
-Oklahoma State University 
-Oral Roberts University
-Ouachita Baptist University
 -Pennsylvania State University
-Prairie View A&M University
-Purdue University
-Samford University
 -Southwestern University
-Spring Hill College
-Stephen F. Austin State University
 -Texas A&M University
-Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
-Texas A&M University-Texarkana
-Texas Southern University
-Texas State University
-Texas Tech University
-The University of Alabama
-The University of Alabama at Birmingham
-The Ohio State University
-Trinity University
-University of Alaska-Fairbanks
-University of Arizona
-University of Arkansas
-University of Arkansas at Little Rock
-University of Cincinnati
 -University of Colorado Colorado Springs
-University of Florida
 -University of Houston
-University of Illinois
-University of Iowa
-University of Kansas
-University of Kentucky
-University of Louisiana at Lafayette
-University of Maryland
-University of Michigan
-University of Minnesota

-University of Mississippi
-University of Missouri
-University of Missouri - Kansas City
-University of Nebraska
-University of New Mexico
-University of Oklahoma
-University of Oregon
-University of South Carolina
-University of Tennessee - Knoxville
-University of Texas at Austin
-University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
-University of Texas at Tyler
 -University of Tulsa
-University of Utah
-Washington University in St. Louis  -Wichita State University



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