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College Fair at Trinity School of Midland -- CANCELED

About this event

A DARN fair hosted by Trinity School!

We would love to try to host a DARN fair after TACAC, since Lubbock and Midland are somewhat close and we are normally geographically isolated from our DARN friends. Depending on the number of reps who can join us, we can adjust/tweak the event as needed. We are grateful if we can provide this opportunity to our students.

Contact: Sarah Kramer
(432) 697-3281, x 219

Date and Time

Tuesday, April 9, 2024, 2:30 PM until 4:00 PM Central Time (US & Canada) (UTC-06:00)


Upper School @ Trinity School of Midland
3500 W Wadley Ave
Midland, TX  79707

Event Contact(s)

Gina Valerius - University of Arizona


College Fair

Registration Info

Registration is not Required